Annotated edit history of OpenPorts version 1, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JimCheetham 1 The [lsof] application provides a great way to see what applications are listening on your network ports, but it isn't always available on older OSs, and [netstat] is ...
3 A server may have multiple interfaces, multiple IP addresses on those interfaces, and of course multiple ports open (listening) on them.
5 Here's a (long, nasty) one-liner bash command line to report in a nice way what ports you currently have open ...
7 <verbatim>
8 for i in $(netstat -ln|grep "LISTEN "|tr -s " "|cut -d" " -f4|sed -e"s/\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2=\1/"|sort -n); do PORT=$(echo $i |cut -d= -f1); SN=$(grep "[^[:digit:]]$PORT/tcp" /etc/services|tr -s " "|cut -f 1); IP=$(echo $i|cut -d= -f2); if [ "$IP" == "" ]; then IPp="L"; elif [ "$IP" == "" ]; then IPp="*"; else IPp=$IP; fi; if [ "$SN" == "" ]; then SNn=$PORT; else SNn=$SN; fi; echo "$SNn ($PORT) $IPp"; done
9 </verbatim>
11 Sample output :-
12 <verbatim>
13 smtp (25) L
14 domain (53)
15 www (80) L
16 www (80)
17 www (80)
18 https (443)
19 ipp (631) L
20 953 (953) L
21 mysql (3306) L
22 www-php4 (4080) L
23 4369 (4369) *
24 xmpp-client (5222) *
25 5223 (5223) *
26 xmpp-server (5269) *
27 5280 (5280) *
28 5356 (5356) *
29 5357 (5357) L
30 postgresql (5432) L
31 6010 (6010) L
32 11211 (11211) *
33 52029 (52029) *
34 54440 (54440) L
35 </verbatim>
37 It uses =netstat= to do the basic report of open ports, then translates the known port numbers found in =/etc/services=, indicates which are listening only to localhost (L), and which are listening on all interfaces (~*).
39 It's a one-liner because I have multiple servers, and have a handy run-everywhere script that will let me fire off a command to be run on any subset of my machines. It uses double-quotes because I have to enclose the whole thing in single-quotes to prevent early variable expansion on my local workstation. Wow.
41 As a more readable script, it looks like this :-
43 <verbatim>
44 for i in $(netstat -ln|grep "LISTEN "|tr -s " "|cut -d" " -f4|sed -e"s/\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)/\2=\1/"|sort -n)
45 do
46 PORT=$(echo $i |cut -d= -f1)
47 SN=$(grep "[^[:digit:]]$PORT/tcp" /etc/services|tr -s " "|cut -f 1)
48 IP=$(echo $i|cut -d= -f2)
50 if [ "$IP" == "" ]
51 then IPp="L"
52 elif [ "$IP" == "" ]
53 then IPp="*"
54 else IPp=$IP
55 fi
57 if [ "$SN" == "" ]
58 then SNn=$PORT
59 else SNn=$SN
60 fi
62 echo "$SNn ($PORT) $IPp"
63 done
64 </verbatim>
66 The sub-shell snippets are :-
68 * get the port/address data
69 * run =netstat -ln=
70 * find lines with "LISTEN " in them (excludes "LISTENING" by having the space at the end of LISTEN)
71 * replace multiple spaces with single spaces, to make =cut='s job easier
72 * get the fourth space-delimited field only
73 * change address:port to port~=address
74 * literally, any non-colon-characters, a colon, any non-colon-characters.
75 * =sort= into numerical order
76 * lookup the port number in =/etc/services=
77 * use the current port~=address data
78 * get the first field in the ~= separated list (the port)
79 * assign that to the variable PORT
80 * look for any lines that mention PORT/tcp in =/etc/services=. Don't allow any other digits in front of PORT (i.e. if PORT = 80, do not select 8080/tcp)
81 * replace multiple tabs with a single tab
82 * select only the first field (in a tab-separated list, the default for =cut=)