Annotated edit history of Olympus version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 TomHibbert 1 [Olympus|] is a very cool system for managing Linux based servers. That is, if you can get it to compile.
4 [TomHibbert] is working on this.
2 PerryLorier 5
6 ''The program, or getting it to compile?'' -- PerryLorier
3 TomHibbert 7
8 There havent been any commits made to it for a while and unfortunately Qt has moved on from the client code. I'm in discussion with one of
9 the original core devels who would be interested in ressurecting the project if people (ie me) started using it again.
4 PerryLorier 10
11 ''I'd really like to see some software that can manage a few hundred machines as if they were one, ie: install this software on all machines, etc, notify me when one machine differs by too much, I'll go investigate. where differs is "la too high" 'disk full' etc, it's common to have to maintain labs of machines'' -- PerryLorier
5 TomHibbert 12
13 _Update_: Olympus now builds locally under gcc3.2. I've submitted my patch to the devel - we should see it in CVS shortly. Olympus lives!