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The WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup is a community of People? who use and advocate Linux and OpenSource software.

The beginner documentation on our site is aimed at WLUG members, but is offered to the general public. Remember, if you don't think something is written well or correct, edit it. The Wiki is editable by anyone and you don't need to sign up.

This is the first in a series of pages that will be created to act as a 'tutorial' to HOW to learn Linux and how to ask questions - it won't actually address learning Linux; that's what the rest of the Wiki (and the web) is for!

In the meantime;

  • Newbie Docs is a project to write good documentation and howtos for newbies to linux
  • RUTE, the Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition, is an excellent introduction (and a RecursiveAcronym to boot)


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