Blame: NaturalLanguageParsing
Annotated edit history of NaturalLanguageParsing version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 PerryLorier 1 The idea of having a program understand "english" (or some other language which humans speak). While this sounds like a really simple goal, it quickly gets very complicated. English is very ambigious, and computers are very exact, which tends to lead to some really interesting problems.
3 the pig pen
4 does this mean the place where pigs live? or the writing implement that looks like a pig?
6 time flies like an arrow
7 Apparently this has 5 different possible meanings some of them are:
9 time flies, nasty creatures like fruit flies, like to eat arrows.
11 time flies, really fast, like an arrow
2 CraigBox 12
13 ''Fruit flies like an orange. -- CraigBox''