Annotated edit history of NathanWard version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 PerryLorier 1 [IRC]'s as daork (pronounced "Da Orc")
2 NathanWard 3 Apparently knows a bit about [AFS]! Apparently thats why I got my new job too, never woulda thunk it.. :/
3 NathanWard 5 Currently working as Core IP Networks Engineer at Woosh Wireless Limited. Which means he routes IP.
2 NathanWard 6
3 NathanWard 7 Knows a thing or two about IP routing and VoIP.
2 NathanWard 8
3 NathanWard 9 Previously worked for Esphion, and Quicksilver.
4 CraigBox 10
11 -----
12 CategoryHomePage
5 NathanWard 13
14 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>