Blame: NandorTanczos
Annotated edit history of NandorTanczos version 14, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
6 DavidHallett 1 Fun Facts about NandorTanczos:
14 MattBrown 2 * He is a Hungarian
3 * He has a Bachelor of Social Science Degree from WaikatoUniversity
4 * Maybe the worlds only Rastafari MP
5 * Runs [Mandrake on his laptop|] and [advocates Open Source Software|]
6 DavidHallett 6
7 Add your fun fact here!
9 *Has dreadlocks TO HIS ASS. Not even hair I have growing below the belt is as close to the ground as Nandor's hair.
12 CraigBox 10 *When DavidHallett was the Vice President of the [WSU], NandorTanczos rang him to seek permission to speak on the UniversityOfWaikato campus during his [pre-election campaign|]. I guess this is somehow relevant, two degrees of separation and all.
7 DavidHallett 11
9 DavidHallett 12 []
10 CraigBox 13 %%% __Nandor Tanczos__

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 4 times)