Annotated edit history of NTPServers version 22, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
22 SamBailey 1 !!! Servers For Everyone
12 SamBailey 2
22 SamBailey 3 For smaller networks and end users, the best [NTP] servers to use are the ones supplied by your service provider or ISP.
17 AristotlePagaltzis 4
22 SamBailey 5 Many [ISP]s have servers for their customers:
12 SamBailey 6
7 * <tt></tt>
8 * <tt> to</tt>
9 * <tt></tt>
17 AristotlePagaltzis 10
11 or you could try querying your [ISP]'s [DNS] servers with <tt>ntp</tt> or <tt>ntp1</tt>.
14 AristotlePagaltzis 12
20 SamBailey 13 There is a pool of servers at <tt></tt>, which provides RoundRobin [DNS] access to publicly accessible [NTP] servers that have agreed to be part of the pool.
12 SamBailey 14
18 AristotlePagaltzis 15 !!! Stratum 1 Servers
22 SamBailey 17 First: __be nice!__ You shouldn't synchronise to a stratum 1 server for your small network -- if everyone did that then the server would need too much bandwidth. For example, ~NetGear hard-coded a public NTP server into some of their consumer products, which eventually ended up using hundreds of Mbits/second of the university's bandwidth, even after they were forced to shut down the server.
18 AristotlePagaltzis 18
22 SamBailey 19 If you are running a substantial network, you should install your own NTP servers, based on the servers below.
21 ! .nz Registry Services
23 There are four stratum 1 NTP servers provided by [.nz Registry Services (NZRS)|] for network operators based within New Zealand. They are operated by NZRS Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of [InternetNZ|].
25 It is not a public network but is covered by an [Acceptable use policy|]. These timeservers are provided primarily for network operators based within New Zealand and peripatetic users who are ordinarily based in NZ.
26 * ntp1 is in Albany connected via FX.
27 * ntp2 is in Auckland CBD connected via [ICONZ].
28 * ntp3 is in Wellington CBD connected via FX.
29 * ntp4 is in Christchurch connected via 2Degrees.
31 The host names <tt>__s__~[1-4~]</tt> can be used for:
32 * Desktops and laptops
33 * Your own home router
35 The host names <tt>__p__~[1-4~]</tt> can be used for:
36 * Stratum 2 NTP servers.
37 * Kit normally found in a server room, such as servers, enterprise routers (not consumer products), SANs etc.
39 The following devices are [not allowed|]:
40 * Consumer devices such as printers, cameras, mobile phones, etc.
42 All four are Sonoma D12 NTP servers, each connected to a differential GPS antenna on the roof and each with a rubidium oscillator to provide a stable clock in the event of an issue with the GPS signal. They are not actively synchronised to each other. [more|]
18 AristotlePagaltzis 43
44 ! The Measurement Standards Laboratory
46 The standard for time in New Zealand is maintained by the [Measurement Standards Laboratory|], part of [Industrial Research Limited|]. MSL runs several public NTP servers that are referenced to UTC(MSL).
22 SamBailey 47
48 The servers are publicly available to all connections from within NZ.
18 AristotlePagaltzis 49
50 * <tt></tt>
51 * <tt></tt>
52 * <tt></tt>
22 SamBailey 54 They are FreeBSD-based servers synchronised using a 1 pulse per second signal to the New Zealand time standard. The server time is typically stable with respect to the time in the HP5071A caesium clocks to around 1 microsecond. [more|]
18 AristotlePagaltzis 55
20 SamBailey 56 !!! Universities
18 AristotlePagaltzis 57
20 SamBailey 58 Most universities restrict access to their NTP servers, however some are publicly accessible:
18 AristotlePagaltzis 59
20 SamBailey 60 * <tt></tt> (Please notify before using)
61 * <tt></tt>
18 AristotlePagaltzis 62
20 SamBailey 63 For a long time WaikatoUniversity had public [NTP] servers. They are still available but no longer publicly accessible.
18 AristotlePagaltzis 64
65 !!! See also
13 SamBailey 66
14 AristotlePagaltzis 67 * [NTPNotes]
68 * TimeSources
17 AristotlePagaltzis 69 * [Scientific study from 1999 on the topology of the country's main NTP servers | ] (note that [GPS] is much more widely available now)

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