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!!!Minutes of WLUG AGM 27/11/2017 Meeting opened 27 November 2017 at 8:17pm !Present * Roderick Aldridge * Lawrence D'Oliveiro * Chris O’Halloran * Peter Reutemann * Jeffrey Seymour * Ian Stewart * Tony Templer * Ian Young !Minutes for AGM 2016 The minutes for the 2016 AGM were reviewed. Lawrence accepted minutes as a true account and Rod seconded. !Minutes for SGM 2017 The minutes for SGM on 23 Jan 2017 were reviewed. Peter accepted the minutes as a true account and Rod seconded. !President Report John resigned as Treasurer at the end of October 2017 due to family commitments.. Reinstatement of society did not eventuate in 2017. WLUG thank Rimu hosting for providing our web-site and Daniel Lawson for providing the web-hosting of the WLUG wiki. WLUG thank the Waikato University Computer Science Department for sponsoring the meetings for 2017 and for continuing the sponsorship for 2018. We were mostly the same set of attendees throughout the year, with a variety of presentations. Peter moved President's Report, seconded by Rod. !Treasurer Status Update Ended the year with a small increase in the account balance. Tony moved Treasurers Status update, Peter seconded. !Election of Committee for 2018 Ian proposed and Peter seconded that the following committee members be re-elected in their same position: * President: Peter Reutemann * Vice President: Chris O’Halloran * Secretary: Ian Stewart * General Committee #1: Rodrick Aldridge * General Committee #2: Lawrence D'Oliveiro * General Committee #3: Ian Young Tony is back in the role as Treasurer after John’s resignation. Ian will assist Tony with focus on re-registering as an association and preparation for Treasurer Report at AGM. Moved by Rod, seconded by Peter. !General Business Agenda # Bank Signing Authority. Peter, Chris and Ian to arrange a lunch-time visit to ASB (at Waikato University) to organize signing authority. John’s authority to transfer to Ian. Lawrence moved, Peter seconded. # Annual Subscription. As we no longer provide members with a library, workshop facilities and an e-mail account, Ian proposed that we reduce membership fee to $10. Peter seconded, carried. # Code of Conduct. Ian will adapt NZPUG CodeOfConduct to become a document for WLUG that is available on-line. Chris moved, Lawrence seconded. Meeting closed at 9:22pm. Peter and Lawrence went to get pizzas.
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