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!!! Minutes of WLUG AGM 24/11/2014 Meeting opened at 8:10pm. Apologies Mark Smith Michael Cree !! Present * Rene Bartosh * Peter Reutemann * Lawrence d’Oliveiro * Ian Stewart * Tony Templer * Roderick Aldridge * Chris O’Halloran * Ian Young !! Presidents Report Meetup.com listing has worked well to reach new members. This is a paid $15/year listing. For the past year it has been mostly a social club. New members have brought new talks over the year. With the completed financial report we can now apply to re-register as an incorporated society and update our charter. Plan for the coming year - get more members on board, possibly look at software freedom day. !! Treasurers Report Some corrections still needed to figures for subscriptions for 2010-2011. Tony to pass on documents to Michael to investigate finalising so we can apply to-register. Many thanks to Tony for his efforts preparing the financial report. !! Election of 2015 Committee * President - Peter * Vice-President - Chris * Treasurer - Tony * Secretary - Ian Stewart * General Committee #1 - Roderick * General Committee #2 - Lawrence * General Committee #3 - Ian Young !! Review of Subscription Tony moved, Ian Stewart seconded that the subscription remain at $20 !! Appointment of Auditor Chris moved, Peter seconded that no auditor be appointed for this financial year !! Approval of previous minutes Rene moved, Rod seconded that the mintues of the previous AGM be accepted. !! Software Freedom Day 2015 Discussion The Base could be the highest foot traffic, but possibly expensive? An interactive demo or videos could work well. !! General Business Mailing list is chewing up some mail - post to mailing list to discuss other options. Google groups may be an option. Chris has reserved "waikatolug" Google Group. Display board/manned stand at the library around software freedom day. Rene to investigate purchase of a travel router and WLUG lightwire account to provide wifi access at meetings. Look into workshop type meetings next year.
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