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WLUG Workshop day. Meet up at the university - usual meeting room for Monday meetings. http://www.waikato.ac.nz/contacts/map?MS4 We'll have internet access (48Mbit/s) for you to update your Linux box or download various linux distros. Meet up with others - share ideas - trouble shoot hardware and software issues. Install the lastest Linux distro or whatever you'd like to try. If you are considering installing Linux on a MS Windows, please have all your data backed up prior attempting any partitioning of your hard drives. WLUG will not be liable for any loss of data. Entry is free for visitors and club members. However, if you, as a visitor, wish to connect your computer to the internet for more than a few minutes, a fee of $4 dollars to cover internet costs would be appreciated. We will accept membership applications on the day ($20). There are no kitchen facilities within the room. Cafe's and toilets will be available around the campus.
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