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!!![SFD Advocacy Event|MeetingTopics.2006-09-16] Planning Page !!Goals Publicise and demonstrate open source to members of the Waikato public, encouraging them (depending on their interest) to take some home and try on their current platform, to experiment with a Linux live-CD, or to become aware of issues surrounding copyright and how it affects OSS. !Things to do: * Book and confirm venue (Ian - agreement sent back signed to Kiwi Income) * Contact journalists (print and radio) * Write press release - Ian suggests at SoftwareFreedomDay Looks like outside Whitcoulls in Centreplace. Arrange: * Power (think it's provided - Ian checking) * Internet (Before approaching TNZ/Vodafone/TCL, Lindsay would to explore if there is a way of getting connectivity there via FX Networks) * Tables/tablecloths (should probably hire - Ian checking what is given to us) ** Need to decide on layout !Things we need personally: * free meals for helpers * a consistent, agreed message to put across * uniform dress (SFD or NZOSS sponsored shirts?) !Things to display: * Our banner (no higher than 1.5 m according to Centreplace rules) * 3-4 PCs? some in Linux, some in Windows, perhaps a Mac ** work machine: OpenOffice, Firefox etc ** game machine: Frozen Bubble ** other cool software that looks good from a distance: <insert> * Laptops - IBM [Slaptop|http://www.geekzone.co.nz:80/juha/944] * Check IT Partners can provide monitors * Posters * PC stands - better than on tables? * Guy in Penguin suit? (CairoKingsbury is happy to spend a few hours in a penguin suit handing out flyers and CD's. She'll probably stay all day if she can play supertux and ppracer) !Things to give away? * CDs - SFD to provide some * t-shirts * flyers * balloons Perhaps have a draw prize for people who sign up on the day? !Things for us to get out of it: * publicity, new people to attend meetings, use ML/forums * new members ($20 sign-up, apply to upcoming 2006-2007 year? * News media coverage
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