Blame: MeetingTopics.2006-09-16/Planning
Annotated edit history of MeetingTopics.2006-09-16/Planning version 8, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 CraigBox 1 !!![SFD Advocacy Event|MeetingTopics.2006-09-16] Planning Page
1 CraigBox 2
3 !!Goals
2 CraigBox 5 Publicise and demonstrate open source to members of the Waikato public, encouraging them (depending on their interest) to take some home and try on their current platform, to experiment with a Linux live-CD, or to become aware of issues surrounding copyright and how it affects OSS.
1 CraigBox 6
7 !Things to do:
5 IanMcDonald 9 * Book and confirm venue (Ian - agreement sent back signed to Kiwi Income)
10 * Contact journalists (print and radio)
11 * Write press release - Ian suggests at SoftwareFreedomDay
2 CraigBox 12
13 Looks like outside Whitcoulls in Centreplace.
1 CraigBox 14
15 Arrange:
5 IanMcDonald 16 * Power (think it's provided - Ian checking)
6 LindsayDruett 17 * Internet (Before approaching TNZ/Vodafone/TCL, Lindsay would to explore if there is a way of getting connectivity there via FX Networks)
5 IanMcDonald 18 * Tables/tablecloths (should probably hire - Ian checking what is given to us)
1 CraigBox 19 ** Need to decide on layout
21 !Things we need personally:
23 * free meals for helpers
24 * a consistent, agreed message to put across
25 * uniform dress (SFD or NZOSS sponsored shirts?)
27 !Things to display:
5 IanMcDonald 29 * Our banner (no higher than 1.5 m according to Centreplace rules)
1 CraigBox 30 * 3-4 PCs? some in Linux, some in Windows, perhaps a Mac
4 CraigBox 31 ** work machine: OpenOffice, Firefox etc
32 ** game machine: Frozen Bubble
33 ** other cool software that looks good from a distance: <insert>
1 CraigBox 34 * Laptops - IBM [Slaptop|]
35 * Check IT Partners can provide monitors
36 * Posters
37 * PC stands - better than on tables?
7 zcat(1) 38 * Guy in Penguin suit? (CairoKingsbury is happy to spend a few hours in a penguin suit handing out flyers and CD's. She'll probably stay all day if she can play supertux and ppracer)
1 CraigBox 40
41 !Things to give away?
43 * CDs - SFD to provide some
44 * t-shirts
45 * flyers
46 * balloons
48 Perhaps have a draw prize for people who sign up on the day?
50 !Things for us to get out of it:
52 * publicity, new people to attend meetings, use ML/forums
53 * new members ($20 sign-up, apply to upcoming 2006-2007 year?
54 * News media coverage

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