Blame: MeetingTopics.2005-01-24
Annotated edit history of MeetingTopics.2005-01-24 version 11, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JohnMcPherson 1 !!OpenSource Music Notation applications
11 JohnMcPherson 2
3 Presented by JohnMcPherson
1 JohnMcPherson 4
2 JohnMcPherson 5 Monday 24 Jan, 2005%%%
6 Time: 7:30pm%%%
6 JohnMcPherson 7 Location: [LitB]
1 JohnMcPherson 8
10 JohnMcPherson 9 Brief outline of things covered:
10 * [MIDI] and other file formats
11 * [Lilypond|] for typesetting (uses [TeX])
12 * [Rosegarden|] for notating and sequencing (old version and flash new [KDE] version)
13 * [Noteedit|] for notating ([KDE])
14 * [Denemo|] for notating (own format + Lilypond) (GTK)
15 * [optical music recognition|].
9 JohnMcPherson 16
17 ----
18 See also OldMeetingTopics

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