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The Official Annual WLUG End of Year Barbeque!

In accordance with the prophecy, our end of 2004 BBQ is at DaHoose, 3 Liston Crescent, Hillcrest (off Helena Road, by the Gate 1 entrance to Uni/Clyde St roundabout). If it's wet, the backup day is Friday the 10th.

WLUG will provide salad, soft drinks, BBQ, backyard cricket and entertainment. You will need to bring yourself, meat and alcohol should you desire any of these things.

Start time of 3.30 - 4pm with the BBQ starting about 6.30 on Saturday 4th. Start time of 6pm with BBQ about 7 if we need to postpone until Friday 10th.

Check out photos from last years barbeque from John, Kyle or Phil.