Blame: MeetingTopics.2003-01-27
Annotated edit history of MeetingTopics.2003-01-27 version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 JohnMcPherson 1 Greenstone Digital Library software ([]) from the Computer Science department at WaikatoUniversity.
1 JohnMcPherson 2
2 JohnMcPherson 3 Greenstone is a software suite that allows end users to make their own full-text searchable collections and make them available on the web.
5 This presentation will be given by Professor Ian Witten who is the head of the Digital Libraries research lab in the department. ( He is also the department's graduate studies advisor if anyone wants to know about courses and programmes offered by the department.
1 JohnMcPherson 6
7 See also OldMeetingTopics.