Annotated edit history of MeatSpace version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 Where the meat lives.
3 Hackers are actually more willing to use this term than `cyberspace', because it's not speculative - we already have a running meatspace implementation (the universe).
5 Compare with CyberSpace.
7 ----
9 CraigBox wanted this name for the WaikatoUniversity [ACM] chapter; however some people thought it had SexualConnotations or that no-one would get the joke.
5 GreigMcGill 10
11 Note that at the ultra PC WaikatoUniversity, they think EVERYTHING has SexualConnotations, just so they can get offended by it...
2 GianPerrone 12
13 ----
3 GianPerrone 15 [Neil Innes|] wrote a rather amusing song highlighting the absurdity of many of the terms related to computing. It was called 'Face mail in the Meat Zone'.
4 CraigBox 16
17 I saw him play it live. Who's your daddy? -- CraigBox