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A University based in PalmerstonNorth with a strong applied emphasis. It is the home of [NewZealand]'s only Vet school and is located on the eastern banks of the Manautu river with several industry-specific research institutes. ''Massey University is one of New Zealand’s leading educational institutions. A state funded university, with a proud 70-year tradition of academic excellence and a strong national and international reputation, Massey University is an important part of New Zealand’s post-high school state education system. Campuses in [PalmerstonNorth], [Wellington] and [Auckland] at Albany, cater for some 19,000 local and international students. Further, in excess of 18,000 New Zealand students study by distance education. The five college structure provide a diversity of degrees, diplomas and certificates. Massey University is a leader in the fields of sciences, design, social sciences, education and business - with the biggest business college in the country. Staff in many areas are internationally renowned and leading edge research is being undertaken on all three campuses. ''Massey University --- Te Kunenga ki Purehuroa'' ''A literal translation of the full name is 'the implantation to infinity' or 'from inception to infinity'. The name is based on the view of Massey as a provider of life long learning, able to move beyond traditional structures, and committed to the never-ending expansion of knowledge. It recognises both teaching and research within a framework that is not constrained by conceptual assumptions. Moreover by incorporating the notion of growth and potential for growth, it reflects ongoing academic development of students as well as the study of the familiar, and the exploration of the unknown.'' ''Ko te karangatanga Te Kunenga ki Purehuroa mo tenei o nga Whare Wananga e whakahau ana; kia kore rawa e mimiti te whai ki te ruruku i te ipu huhua o te matauranga me te maramatanga. Ko te whariki o te matauranga ko te whakangungu ko te rangahau; kia haere ngatahi raua. Kei konei ka whai kii, ka ora, ka puawai te pia te tauira. E hangai ai te titiro ki pae tawhiti e kekete mai ra.'' ''-- Extract from http://aboutmassey.massey.ac.nz/''
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