Differences between version 4 and predecessor to the previous major change of LatexWordcount.
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Newer page: | version 4 | Last edited on Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:08:30 pm | by ArthurVanBunningen | Revert |
Older page: | version 3 | Last edited on Thursday, March 3, 2005 1:39:42 pm | by JamesSpencer | Revert |
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
If you try to get a wordcount of a latex source file via the shell command 'wc', it will include any macros you have used, and any comments, in the word count.
-A better way is to make use of a tool called [detex|http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/trinkle/detex/]. This does a (fairly) good job of stripping out any Latex macros and comments, although it's probably not usable as a .tex -> readable ascii filter (it gets the ordering on included files wrong, for starters).
+A better way is to make use of a tool called [detex|http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/trinkle/detex/]. This does a (fairly) good job of stripping out any Latex macros and comments, although it's probably not usable as a .tex -> readable ascii filter (it gets the ordering on included files wrong, for starters). What it does do is automatically include referenced Latex files (at least the ones using \input ), so you don't have to add any numbers
I added the following rules to my Makefile: