
Differences between version 37 and predecessor to the previous major change of LDAPNotes.

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Newer page: version 37 Last edited on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:55:17 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
Older page: version 33 Last edited on Friday, December 3, 2004 1:33:33 pm by GoodSite Revert
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
 # ''__TLS__'' - Make sure you have the same host names in your Servers SSL Cert Common Name and TLS client configs. __Also__ make sure the permissions on the cert file (slapd.pem) are correct (see above). 
 # ''__rootbinddn__'' - In /etc/ldap.conf (pam_ldap's config file), make sure you spell the root user's (aka Manager) DN correctly. This sounds stupid but they it's an easy one to miss. 
 # ''__/etc/pam.d/system-auth__'' - Make sure authconfig hasn't bollocked your pam config. 
 # If ldap lookups fail for non-root users, but works for root, then it's probably because your config files are not readable. Make sure __/etc/nss-ldap.conf__ is readable by non-root users. 
-# If slapcat(8) works for root, but ldapsearch(1) shows absolutely no entries, then perhaps the permissions on your database files disallow slapd(8) from reading them. (You'd think [OpenLDAP] would give an error in this case but nooo...) 
+# If slapcat(8) works for root, but ldapsearch(1) shows absolutely no entries, then perhaps the permissions on your database files disallow slapd(8) from reading them (You'd think [OpenLDAP] would give an error in this case but nooo...). There's also the possibility that you fogot to edit /etc/ldap/ldap.conf (in Debian Testing at least) to define the BASE and URI configs. You should also try ldapsearch(1) passing the -h <hostname> and -b <base dn> too!  
 !!!Integration with Outlook and Outlook Express 
 Here are a list of attibutes used by the various "Outlook/OE" clients for their addressbooks. Note, there is no simple way to "add" contacts to an LDAP tree from these programs - none that I am aware of anyway... 
@@ -169,8 +169,10 @@
 # Many email clients. In particular Evolution 2 should be able to search, edit and insert new contacts in the LDAP addressbook 
 !!!no structuralObjectClass operational attribute 
 ldapadd was spitting this error at me every time I tried to add anything, a google search provided nothing, but several people complaining about approximately the same problem (and not getting any replies). Commenting out all the replica information in my slapd.conf fixed it, confused, adding it back breaks it again. I have no idea why replication should {a,e}ffect structural classes of objects in the tree, but there ya go, it does. This is slapd-2.1.17-1, if you have a newer version this bug may be fixed. 
+I have a Debian Testing now (21 January 2005) and slapd 2.1.30-3. I just replicated my LDAP database and was getting this no structuralObjectClass when I was trying to add some entry in the slave LDAP database. I don't know if I can acctually add stuff to the slave LDAP server, couse it doesn't replicate it to the master (maybee I'm missing some configs here). My point is that I manage to add an user entry in the replicated LDAP server by adding the line "structuralObjectClass: account" to the ldif entry... To see the structural data of an entry of your you should execute: "ldapsearch -b "uid=caozinho,ou=People,dc=tux.dc=com" -s base +". Hope this helps you!  
 !!!ldap_sasl_bind_interactive_s: No such attribute 
 You're trying to use [SASL] and [SASL] isn't configured properly. try ldapsearch -x, if this works, then you have [SASL] issues. The usual solution is to always use "-x" :) 
@@ -181,124 +183,13 @@
 !!See Also 
 * OpenLdapAccessControls 
 * AccessControlLists 
+* ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationNotes  
 !!Patch for [DHCP] to use [LDAP] as a backend 