Annotated edit history of LCP version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JohnMcPherson 1 An [Acronym] for __L__ink __C__ontrol __P__rotocol.
3 Used by [PPP] for negotiating various characteristics of a connection.
5 For example (taken from an [ADSL] router's log file):
7 Connection Diagnostic History PPP (vcc1)
8 PPP:-> Establishing Link on permanent connection service
9 -> LCP We processed peer's requests:
10 -> max-recv-unit, mru 9178 in excess of max of 8200 (nak)
11 -> auth-type, auth (ack)
12 -> magic-num, 0x42312339 (ack)
13 -> LCP Peer acknowledged our requests:
14 -> magic-num, 0x60ff715f
15 -> LCP We processed peer's requests:
16 -> max-recv-unit, mru 9178 in excess of max of 8200 (nak)
17 -> auth-type, auth (ack)
18 -> magic-num, 0xf04cafb (ack)
19 -> LCP We processed peer's requests:
20 -> max-recv-unit, mru 8200 (ack)
21 -> auth-type, auth (ack)
22 -> magic-num, 0xf04cafb (ack)
23 -> LCP Peer acknowledged our requests:
24 -> magic-num, 0x60ff715f
25 -> Peer reports successful PAP authentication
26 IPCP:-> Resettings options: ip (, dns (,
2 JohnMcPherson 27
28 ----
29 CategoryNetworking