Diff: KeySigningScripts

Differences between version 7 and revision by previous author of KeySigningScripts.

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Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Sunday, February 3, 2008 7:32:09 pm by ChrisAndreae Revert
Older page: version 6 Last edited on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:22:30 am by AlbertasAgejevas Revert
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
 Start gpg-agent: <tt>eval `gpg-agent --daemon`</tt> 
 And start signing keys: <tt>caff -mR --key-file lca2006-keyring.gpg `cat keys-to-sign.txt`</tt> 
-In this case, because I have a keyring file, I have specified -R - don't download from keyserver - which speeds this process up. -m specifies that I always want to send mail. 
+In this case, because I have a keyring file, I have specified -R - don't download from keyserver - which speeds this process up. -m specifies that I always want to send mail. It is important to use backticks rather than xargs to pass the list of keys to sign -- caff uses standard in for its own confirmations after signing, and when run from xargs can bail out ungracefully after emailing a subset of the signed keys
 Now, when you sign your first key, you will be asked for a passphrase, which will be kept in memory. You should only have to hit 'y' (to sign all keys) and 'y' (really sign), on each of your preprepared keys, to proceed. 
 It is good form to be checking against your list as you go, even at this point.