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Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, reboot.
Order shall return.

Perhaps fitting. Kernel compilation can be a real pain in the ass, especially if you forgot to do a make modules_install on a machine on a remote network, or forget that you have drivers that are outside the kernel tree, such as your NVidia graphics card drivers, that you need to compile as well.

Debian provides a framework for managing this. The kernel-package provides the capability to make a debian kernel-image package for you. Here's some basic instructions -- although I recommend you read the kernel-package docs too, as they are pretty good.

If you dont run debian, this page isn't for you!

Install kernel-package (apt-get install kernel-package)

Untar your kernel source into /usr/src/. Go through the normal steps of configuring it (eg, make menuconfig)

Set up the basic kernel-package directories within your linux src tree

make-kpkg clean

Now, to make the kernel package. This will create a .deb for you, but before you do this you have to decide if you want to set a revision number or a version tag. The revision number is basically the version of this package. I dont normally bother with this, but you can use --revision 1 to set the revision to 1.

You can also set a version tag. This goes in the 'EXTRAVERSION' field of the kernel version. If you have installed a pre-packaged kernel for most distributions before, you'll have seen this. Eg: 2.4.18-bf24, one of debians install kernels, has the EXTRAVERSION tag of 'bf24'. More importantly, the extraversion is reported in 'uname -r' output, and is also used to locate the modules for the kernel (they reside in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ ). If you change the EXTRAVERSION for every kernel you build, you dont run into problems with the module tree still existing, or wanting to be overridden.

For example, I use an EXTRAVERSION of "-SMP-1" to indicate that this is an SMP kernel, and its my first built kernel. If I rebuild it for some reason, i use "-SMP-2". If I build a UP kernel as an emergency kernel for the OS, I use "-UP-1", and so on. If there are any extra patches I have applied to this kernel, for example the pre-emptive multitasking patch, I mention that: "-preempt-1". And so on. This bsaically means you can keep track of what features a kernel has, simply by checking its extraversion tag - or its .deb package name

Use the '--append-to-version' command in make-kpkg to set this: --append-to-version=-SMP-1

Finally, to get make-kpkg to build this kernel you give it the target of 'kernel_image'. This creates a .deb with the kernel image, system map, config file for the kernel, and the kernel modules tree. When you install the .deb, if you set up your /etc/kernel-img.conf correctly, it'll even configure your bootloader properl

make-kpkg -revision=1 --append-to-version=-SMP-1 kernel_image

ls ../*.deb kernel-image-2.4.20-SMP-1_1_i386.deb

Another feature of make-kpkg is that it will build .debs for any module sources you have installed that are outside the kernel tree. The condition is that they must exist in /usr/src/modules - which is the case if a debian source package existed for them. One example of this is lm-sesnors.

The lm-sensors-source package contains the file /usr/src/lm-sensors.tar.gz. If this is untarred, it extracts into /usr/src/modules/lm-sensors/. If you specify the 'modules_image' target, it'll build the kernel modules out of all subfolders in /usr/src/modules and create .deb package for each tree (eg, lm-sensors in this case) built against the kernel you are configuring

make-kpkg -revision=1 --append-to-version=-SMP-1 kernel_image modules_image ls ../*.deb kernel-image-2.4.20-SMP-1_1_i386.deb lm-sensors-2.4.20-SMP-1_2.6.3-5+1_i386.deb

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