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This page is going to be about LinuxKernel development.

There are useful tools for kernel development available such as Ostra and Sparse.

Today most KernelDevelopment is done with Git. See KernelDevelopmentWithGit for more details.

To debug a kernel crash you can use objdump to show the assembler for the routine shown and if debug symbols from kernel hacking menu are turned on then you can see the C code also. There will be a hex offset in the crash output and just use that to find the valid line of code/assembler. For example: objdump -r -S -l --disassemble net/dccp/ipv4.o

NB. You need to be at the top level of the kernel tree for this to pick up your C files.

If you don't have access to the code you can also debug on some crash dumps e.g. crash dump output as shown by Dave Miller.

EIP is at ip_queue_xmit+0x14/0x4c0
Code: 44 24 04 e8 6f 05 00 00 e9 e8 fe ff ff 8d 76 00 8d bc 27 00 00
00 00 55 57  56 53 81 ec bc 00 00 00 8b ac 24 d0 00 00 00 8b 5d 08
<8b> 83 3c 01 00 00 89 44  24 14 8b 45 28 85 c0 89 44 24 18 0f 85

Put the bytes into a "foo.s" file like this:

       .globl foo
       .byte  .... /* bytes from Code: part of OOPS dump */

Compile it with "gcc -c -o foo.o foo.s" then look at the output
of "objdump --disassemble foo.o".


    push       %ebp
    push       %edi
    push       %esi
    push       %ebx
    sub        $0xbc, %esp
    mov        0xd0(%esp), %ebp        ! %ebp = arg0 (skb)
    mov        0x8(%ebp), %ebx         ! %ebx = skb->sk
    mov        0x13c(%ebx), %eax       ! %eax = inet_sk(sk)->opt

A couple of useful articles for kernel development from IBM:

A useful cross reference of the LinuxKernel source code can be found at

In theory you can use DistCC to do KernelDevelopment although it can be problematic.

Here is a script that I use to copy my new kernel to other remote machines:

#! /bin/bash
rm $HOME/tmp/lib/modules/$VER/build
rm $HOME/tmp/lib/modules/$VER/source
scp $SRC/ root@$1:/boot/$VER
scp $SRC/arch/i386/boot/bzImage root@$1:/boot/vmlinuz-$VER
scp -r $HOME/tmp/lib root@$1:/
