Blame: KerberosNotes
Annotated edit history of KerberosNotes version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 DanielLawson 1 Setting up [Kerberos] 5
3 Your Kerberos realm is normally the same as your DNS name, in capital letters. Therefore, if your DNS name is element.tla, your Kerberos realm will be ELEMENT.TLA
5 Under debian, install the following packages:
7 libkrb53 krb5-clients krb5-config krb5-doc krb5-user libpam-krb5 krb5-admin-server krb5-kdc
2 DanielLawson 8
9 Enter your Kerberos realm, select 'nopreauth', and specify where your kerberos servers are (probably the curernt machine)
12 Run the following to set up your kerberos realm:
14 krb5_newrealm
16 This will set up the realm and create an administrative principal called root/admin@ELEMENT.TLA, if your realm is ELEMENT.TLA
19 Alternative:
1 DanielLawson 20
21 Run the following the set up kerberos
22 (AddToMe)
24 kdb5_util create -r ELEMENT.TLA -s
25 echo "*/admin@ELEMENT.TLA *" > /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
26 kadmin.local
27 addprinc root/admin@ELEMENT.TLA
28 ktadd -k /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab kadmin/admin kadmin/changepw
29 quit
31 /etc/init.d/krb5-kdc restart
32 /etc/init.d/krb5-admin-server restart
3 PerryLorier 33
34 -----
35 check it works with
36 kinit root/admin
37 then
38 klist -e
39 to list your keys. if you don't have any keys, you've done something wrong. Good luck finding out what :) (but when you do... Wiki the problem/answer on this page)
41 ----
42 kadmin.local has a whole heap of useful commands letting you add new users/delete users and change passwords. Neat!
4 HikariCrowther 43
5 HikariCrowther 44 ----
45 You might want avoid mixing [MIT] [KerberosV] and [Heimdal] KerberosV in your network, at least if you intend to use kadmin remotely from your KDC; which, of course, you do, it's the [Proper Way], after all. I've found that using Heimdal's kadmin to talk to your MIT KDC will just hang when you try to execute a command.
4 HikariCrowther 46
47 ----
5 HikariCrowther 48 [Microsoft] has an [Interoprability Guide|] on their website for setting up Windows 2000 and XP Professional to use interactive logins that use the KDC as the authentication source.
4 HikariCrowther 49
5 HikariCrowther 50 Unfortunatly this guide is not complete, it fails to mention that [MIT]'s version of [KerberosV] and [Microsoft]'s implementation only share one enctype in common, namely DES-CBC-CRC. This means that when you add a host principle for a Windows machine you will need to use the "-e des-cbc-crc:normal" option to the ank command. Otherwise Windows will try to use its own RC4-HMAC enctype, which is not (currently) supported by MIT KerberosV; it possibly is supported by [Heimdal] [KerberosV].

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