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Kate is a graphical text editor that comes with KDE.
The name is an acronym for KDE Advanced Text Editor.
Kate allows you to edit multiple files at once, and has a console attached which automagically changes to the directory the file being edited resides in

Kate is aware of several computer programming languages, and will highlight appropriately for at least the following:

  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • Perl
  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Ruby
  • PHP

Some handy bindings
These keybindings may also work for other editors, such as Kates older sister, KWrite

ctrl d
comment the highlighted line
ctrl shift d
uncomment the highlighted line
ctrl s
ctrl v
ctrl c
ctrl x
cut the highlighted area
ctrl z
ctrl k
delete line
ctrl backspace
delete word left
ctrl delete
delete word right
ctrl t
transpose characters
ctrl p
ctrl q
ctrl w
close window
ctrl n
ctrl a
select all
ctrl f
ctrl r
ctrl g
go to line
ctrl j
delete line ending
ctrl k
delete line
ctrl o
open file
ctrl i
indent line(indents all selected lines)
ctrl shift i
unindent selected lines
ctrl -
expand/collapse code loops

Movement Shortcuts

ctrl Home
Move to beginning of document
Move to begginning of line
ctrl pagedown
Move to bottom of view
ctrl end
Move to end of line
ctrl 6
Move to matching bracket
ctrl pageup
Move to top of view
ctrl left
Move to word left
ctrl right
Move to word right

add the shift key to the move shortcuts to select (eg. ctrl shift home)

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