Blame: JohnMcPherson
Annotated edit history of JohnMcPherson version 19, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
11 JohnMcPherson 1 <?plugin WlugMember?>
19 JohnMcPherson 2 Currently working in Hamilton, NZ.
3 Before this, I was working at a music social-networking website start-up in
4 Spain.
5 In 2006 I defended my thesis at WaikatoUniversity. My research was on Optical
6 Music Recognition -- how to convert a scanned image of music into
7 machine-readable music formats, a bit like Optical Character Recognition. More
8 info is on-line at [].
9 I was on the WlugCommittee for two years while studying, but seem to have a lot
10 less free time these days... :(
18 JohnMcPherson 11 !Pet hates
12 * websites that use images of text.
13 * those little stickers on fruit.
11 JohnMcPherson 14 ----
18 JohnMcPherson 15 !!Contact details
11 JohnMcPherson 16 [Jabber] ID:
18 JohnMcPherson 17
19 JohnMcPherson 18 Email: jrm __at__ wlug org nz.
14 JohnMcPherson 19 ----
16 MattBrown 20 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
14 JohnMcPherson 21 ----
22 CategoryHomePage

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 3 times)