Annotated edit history of JimCheetham version 11, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
8 JimCheetham 1 Jim Cheetham is a unix hacker found in [Dunedin].
11 JimCheetham 2 See [] and
2 JimCheetham 3
11 JimCheetham 4 Formerly of [Wellington], [Christchurch] ([CLUG]), Guernsey and London, with a side-line in [flying kites at night|]
3 JimCheetham 5
11 JimCheetham 6 Currently a [Ubuntu] & [Debian] hacker, but uses [FreeBSD] elsewhere and used to have [MacOSX] at home. Sometimes hacks on Solaris, Red Hat and SuSE. Gets by on Windows, because surprisingly and despite the user interface, it is a reasonably predictable OS and is capable of real work.
5 JimCheetham 7
8 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
6 CraigBox 9
10 ----
11 CategoryHomePage