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Newer page: | version 106 | Last edited on Monday, April 28, 2014 7:15:46 pm | by JaredWigmore | Revert |
Older page: | version 105 | Last edited on Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:57:51 am | by BruceKingsbury | Revert |
@@ -1,134 +1 @@
-I am not a NeuroTypical.
[3] Are most LinuxGeeks [NeuroTypical]s? (There is a test and some humour at [The Institute for the Study of the Neurologically Typical|http://isnt.autistics.org]. Check it out!)%%%
-!My Interests
-* [Esperanto] (http://esperanto.org)
-* [Java]
-* [PlayStation2] (which does actually have a version of [Linux] (http://playstation2-linux.com))
-* Fiddling with my Mark V Shaney simulator[6]
-* Creation (see http://AnswersInGenesis.org)
-* and [Linux].
-!Random Stuff
-I like to consider myself a realist[2].%%%
-I am one of the youngest [People|CategoryHomePage] in [WLUG], at least out of those who go to the meetings when I do.
-I currently intend to go to WaikatoUniversity when I finish high school. I think that will be fun, because I will be able to compute and program a lot. I look forward to being a professional programmer, hopefully with [Java] on [Linux].
-%%%I wonder whether the name-choosers for [MacOSX] realized that it doesn't use [X|TheXWindowingSystem].;)
-%%%Did you know that [SPAM] can stand for either SPiced hAM or Specified Processed American Meat?
-%%% ''...or unofficially, "Squirrels, Possums And Mice"; you can never really be sure :)''%%%%%%
-!Silly Nonsense
-''These quotes provide 500% of your recommended daily intake of nonsense.[1]''
-%%%There were two sausages in a frying pan. One said to the other, "Do you think we're going to get fried?!"%%%
-The other one said, "Oh my blasphemy! It's a talking sausage!"%%%
-"In North America, some people say there are alligators in the sewers."%%%
-"Do they ''alligate'' that?"%%%%%%
-[1] (each)%%%
-!Shaney Quotes[6]
-* You have no right to think I'm delusional that I do hang around with a lot of fun because I have a life.
-* Psychiatrist: "How do you reconcile problems at school? I do not me?" Shaney: "At least I have a dead cat."
-* For the righteous are as dainty morsels.
-* There are four things which are sweet to a man, but in a pig's snout is a righteous man, and don't pass by it.
-* He said, "Naked I came not to rain one one of you."
-* Confidence in someone unfaithful in times of trouble is like restraining the wind, or like grasping oil in his own eyes, yet are not wearing the correct colour uniform.
-!(Dumb) Poetry
-Violets are blue%%%
-As blue as the sky%%%
-I'm not a schizophrenic%%%
-And neither am I.%%%
-Roses are red%%%
-Violets are blue%%%
-Some poems rhyme%%%
-And some don't.%%%
-''Ode to Anon''%%%
-Nothing rhymes with Anon%%%
-Hey! No it doesn't! What was I on!%%%
-''Thoroughly Poorly Thought-out Rhythm''%%%
-In our modern corporate nation%%%
-We are very prone to floccinaucinihilipilification.%%%
-You must be sure, never to profane%%%
-The name of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.%%%
-You can't permanently hide%%%
-Your lysergic acid diethylamide.%%%
-Watch out in the mines, sis:%%%
-You may get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!%%%
-!My Controversial Opinions
-* I am an [Emacs]ian. It's such geeky fun, with so many modes, even Java... Now I finally understand this quote[5].
-* I am partial to WindowMaker. Once you get adapted to its paradigm, you just can't wholeheartedly accept anything else. (Like with [Linux]!)
-* I prefer [Oranges] to [Apples], but I prefer mandarins to both.
-*I dislike:
-** [Perl] (too simple, too slow and doesn't scale) (See, and perhaps add to, [WhyIHatePerl].)
-** MacromediaFlash (I am a Javist) ''[Flash|MacromediaFlash] is evil, if you like [Java] or otherwise. The web is about content, not flashy lights.''
-!Silly English (Language) Nonsense
-Are numbers number? Do...
-* whiskers whisk?
-* spiders spide?
-* hammers ham?
-* daughters daught?
-* evenings even?
-* helicopters helicopt?
-* passengers passenge?
-* ceilings ceil?
-* characters charact?
-* vouchers vouch?
-* Why stand, when you could sit; why sit, when you could lie; and why lie, when you could tell the truth.
-* Is inovation the opposite of ovation?
-* What does traffic jam taste like?
-* Influential is from influence, not influenza.
-* When a clock is hungry, does it go back four seconds?
-* Does a backward poet write inverse?
-* If you've seen one shopping centre have you seen themall?
-* Can money be tainted if it ain't yours and it ain't mine?
-* Do bakers trade recipes on a knead to know basis?
-* Are you ex-pensive?
-* ''"If at first you don't succeed, suck egg instead."''
-* ''Don't kill your dreams, execute them.''
-* Why are buildings already built?
-* Why is there only one TV in a TV set?
-* How come feet smell but a nose runs?
-* Why are trees cut down and then cut up?
-* Why do letterboxes have numbers on them?
-* Why are apartments close together?
-* "A computer without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard."
-* If BillGates had 10 cents for every time [Windows] crashed -- no wait, he does.
-* There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand [Binary|BinaryCode], and those who don't.
-* There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand Ternary, those that don't, and those who confuse it with binary.
-* Yesterday it worked. Today it isn't working. [Windows] is like that.
-Three things are certain:%%%
-Death, taxes and lost data.%%%
-Guess which has occurred.
-* "...the best way to prepare [[to be a programmer]] is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written.%%% In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and fished out listings of their operating system. -- BillGates"
-* "Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others."
-* "Free the mallocs"%%%
-* [2] I guess it's like seeing whether the glass is half empty or half full. To me, that all depends what's in the glass, if it's beer then it's half empty, however, if it's cough medicine, it's half full. ''__Or the glass is twice as large as it needs to be.__ -- zcat''
-* "Flies spread disease. Keep yours zipped up."
-* "Laugh first, ask questions later." -- an "easily excited" person
-* [3] If I could snap my fingers and become [nonautistic|Autism] [[(NeuroTypical)]], I would not - because then I wouldn't be me. [Autism] is part of who I am. -- Temple Grandin [4]
-[4] This comment, and the idea of a "Neurotypical Syndrome" reminded me of something I read: GregEganOnNeurotypicalSyndrome. --GlynWebster
-%%%[5] Emacs is a nice operating system - it just lacks a good editor.%%%
-Hey, guess what I found :)
-- hunnyb
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