Diff: JFFNMSExtension

Differences between version 2 and revision by previous author of JFFNMSExtension.

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Newer page: version 2 Last edited on Friday, March 5, 2004 4:47:39 pm by PerryLorier Revert
Older page: version 1 Last edited on Friday, March 5, 2004 4:43:28 pm by JamieCurtis Revert
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 This assumes that you have got JFFNMS installed and working correctly, and that you have some understanding of how to write PHP and how SNMP works. 
 Some JFFNMS terms: 
-* Interface - The basic unit which you can monitor. An obvious example is a port in a router. An interface may have multiple statistics gathered about it. (Eg. packet loss rates, bytes in, bytes out). 
+* Interface - The basic unit which you can monitor. An obvious example is a port in a router. An interface may have multiple statistics gathered about it. (Eg. packet loss rates, bytes in, bytes out). However an interface might be something like a disk, or a temperature sensor  
 * Host - An entity that contains interfaces. You define the IP address to talk to and the community string to use at a host level. 
 * Interface Type - A type of interface, a host may contain multiple instances of each interface type. (Eg. physical_interface, temperature sensor) 
 * Poller - A script that when given a paramerter (what to poll) will return a single value. (Eg. There is a single snmp poller which when passed an OID will return it's current value) 
 * Poller Item - A defination of how to get a specific parameter for an Interface by using a poller (Eg. The "Bytes In" poller item uses the snmp poller and provides it the OID to fetch the bytes in value for a specific interface.) 
 * Poller Group - A group of poller items which collect and store all the stats relating to an Interface Type.