Annotated edit history of JBoss version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 CraigBox 1 JBoss (pronounced Jay Boss) Application Server is an [open source|OpenSource] [Java EE|J2EE] application server. Implemented 100% in [Java], it can be used on any operating system that [Java] supports.
3 The core developers were hired by a services company named [JBoss Inc.|] founded by Marc Fleury, the original author of JBoss AS. JBoss Inc. was purchased by RedHat in April 2006 for $420M USD, after a bidding war with [Oracle].
5 JBoss now package the application server, Apache TomCat, and other components used for creating "Enterprise MiddleWare".
7 Because of its open source nature and ability to be implemented with no licensing fees, it is a popular choice for deploying [Java enterprise applications|J2EE]. JBoss profits from providing service for their software stack, and has a worldwide network of partners.
3 CraigBox 8
9 !! Links
11 * Deploy a trivial [Hello World on JBoss|]