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!!!Ivan's (slowly) evolving page. As per prodding from AristotlePagaltzis, I've decided to put some more about me here ;-) I've been using Linux, intermittently, since about 2002. It all started when I was to investigate the usefulness of Linux as production servers (File, Web, Firewall, DHCP, DNS, etc,). I chose to not install X, but in stead try to learn more about Linux, using the [CLI] (aka 'The Dark Place') only. That was one of the toughest projects that I ever undertook, but one of the most rewarding, since this required me to learn about all the underlying technologies and protocols as the was not [GUI] or wizard to help with configuration. I decided that [Linux] was great for server applications, but that is was not quite mature enough to replace [MicrosoftWindows] as a desktop [GUI]. For a period after moving to NZ, there was a bit of a Linux drought for me, but soon after moving to [Hamilton], I discovered the [WLUG]. I picked up a copy of [Ubuntu] 5.04 (at one of the few meeting that I have managed to attend). I tried it on a [Pentium] 233Mhz as a test. __I was converted!__ IMHO the Linux GUI / Desktop OS had (finally) arrived. Linux has become accessible to the [LinuxNewbie]. Finally the [LinuxDistribution] looks, feels, functions, and even improves on commercial [OS]es. Simple to install, great to use, easy to customize and install new applications. There must be other [Distros|LinuxDistribution] that could compete, it's just that [Ubuntu] is such a well thought-out all-round product, especially if for people who just want to get on with it, and don't really want to get to involved with tinkering with the technology to much. ! Some of my Preferences are: * [Ubuntu] - for ease of use/installation for general purpose desktop box * Midnight Commander - for [CLI] filemanager/general text editor. I just think mc is a fantastic app. I use this mostly when I can only gain [CLI] access to a host. * [MoinMoin] as a [PIM]. I really have fallen in love with the whole [Wiki|WikiWikiWeb] concept. * MozillaFirefox * MozillaThunderbird * [VLC Media Player|http://www.videolan.org/vlc/] * tilda (a terminal for Linux, but similar to those found in Quake, Half-Life, etc) !As far as the [Linux] vs [MicrosoftWindows] [ReligiousWar] is concerned, I prefer using [Linux] for: * General home use (Browsing, email, etc) * server applications such as Web, Firewall, DHCP, DNS, etc. * Flexible desktop systems (i.e. simple lightweight desktop [GUI]s for use on older as well as newer hardware) * Custom-build [OS] (i.e. [Recovery Is Possible (RIP)|http://www.tux.org/pub/people/kent-robotti/looplinux/rip/], [GeeXboX|http://www.geexbox.org/], [Overclockix|http://overclockix.octeams.com], [Smoothwall|http://www.smoothwall.org/]) !I use [MicrosoftWindows] where: * I require to run custom-build applications or applications that will not easily work with [Wine]. (at work) * Compatibility with other [MS] (general) users is important. (again only at work) Ok, so I finally managed to convert the last of my PCs to Linux (Ubuntu 6.10). However, actually installing Ubuntu was the easy part! Getting everyone to be comfortable with 'Linux' applications was the challenge. The reason for this is that most people just want to check their email, play that media file, or create <whatever file> in <some familiar application>. Most people (general users?) just are not interested in the technology, their [PC] is just a tool to them (not a hobby), they just want to get on with life! To make the transition simple (painless?) for them, I applied a two step approach: !Step 1: Break the Dependence Remove dependency on specific applications (i.e. MS Internet explorer, MS Outlook, various media players, etc.). The way I achieved this was to replace them one at a time with MS Window ports of popular GNU/Linux applications. This reduced the stress to those general users (as discussed above). I decided to use ~PortableApps ([http://portableapps.com/]), rather than using applications that required installation. These applications gave the following advantages: * Exposure of my users to Linux applications (which they will end up using once Linux is installed) * I could use these on an any MS Windows machine (from my portable memory drive). * The backups and restore process was as simple as copying the entire application folder. (Due to the nature of the application, installation is not required and data and settings are stored within the application folder) I started using the applications in the following sequence: * MozillaFirefox Portable * [VLC Portable|http://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/vlc_portable] (IMHO a great media player, especially since it plays just about anything and runs on Linux, [MicrosoftWindows], [MacOS] and others) * OpenOffice Portable * MozillaThunderbird Portable The transition to MozillaFirefox was simple, however before replacing your email client, you will most likely have to have the Office replacement and media player in place. Most users require their daily dose of forwarded junk/joke video or cute warm and fuzzy presentation. Some might see this as an opportunity to try to break these habits. One drawback of using the portable applications, was that I could not get the browser to open correctly from clicking a link from within the email application. This was not a great concern during the transition phase, but once I had Linux installed they were fairly impressed that I managed to fix this issue ;-) !Step 2: Replace the OS Install Linux. Once all the (very few) teething problems were resolved and my users were comfortable using these applications everyday, I made the jump to Ubuntu (Edgy Eft) without any major issues. (There are tons of on-line resources that can offer assistance on the actual installation process, and is seems silly to try to replicate them here). Since these portable applications had the data in compatible formats, migration was as simple as coping the relevant profile, or bookmarks, or mail files into the applicable location for that specific user. Some minor details such as shared documents was easily resolved and retaining for new Linux users (such as home folders and the lack of c:) was easily explained. This was that crux of what I was trying to achieve - the users were already quite familiar with using a GUI, and most of the major applications they will be using, all they need to learn was some Linux-specific details, which for most users is fairly minor. All-in-all I managed to achieve a painless transition, the only problem was that it took quite a while, since is was an incremental approach. ---- The following links are for MY benefit: %%% * RecentChanges SaturdayWorkshop WhosOnFirst * UbuntuNotes UbuntuRemastering * CategoryHomePage * Category:Category * Category:Beginners ---- <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?> ----- CategoryHomePage
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