Annotated edit history of ItPartners version 10, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
10 DanielLawson 1 [IT Partners|] are a Hamilton based IT consulting firm. They not only know what Linux is, they will actively encourage its use, rather than ripping it out and replacing it with Something Proprietary!
7 CraigBox 2
3 To mix a delightful number of metaphors, a number of WLUG luminaries have trod the boards at IT Partners.
4 JohnMcPherson 4
5 CraigBox 5 Some staff:
2 JohnMcPherson 6
5 CraigBox 7 * AndrewJohnson
8 * GreigMcGill
7 CraigBox 9 * KyleCarter
8 AndrewJohnson 10 * MichaelPook
5 CraigBox 11
7 CraigBox 12 Some ex-staff:
14 * CraigBox
2 JohnMcPherson 15
16 ----
17 Part of CategoryCompany

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 2 times)