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Miscellaneous notes on IPTables.

From #WLUG one day...
<Criggie> Oct 13 10:04:33 lemonsqueezer kernel: Rej. tcp-syn : IN=eth1 OUT=MAC=00:e0:29:2e:bc:c1:00:90:1a:40:04:11:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x80 TTL=107 ID=4812 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3933 DPT=135 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
<Criggie> what I don't get is why his mac address is so long
<Criggie> MAC=00:e0:29:2e:bc:c1:00:90:1a:40:04:11:08:00 <-- strange
<Isomer> er
<Isomer> the reason it's so long
Criggie sits back for a lesson from daddy Isomer
<Criggie> tell us a story daddy Isomer
<Isomer> is it's the source mac address, destination mac address, layered protocol
<Isomer> it's a binary dump of the entire mac header
<Isomer> so the first 6 bytes are the source, the second 6 are the dest, and the last 2 are the protocol
<Criggie> wow
<Isomer> 0800 being IP
<Isomer> go wiki it :)


Also compare with MAC and MACAddress?

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