Diff: IntellectualProperty

Differences between version 21 and previous revision of IntellectualProperty.

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Newer page: version 21 Last edited on Friday, August 5, 2005 2:39:05 pm by DanielLawson Revert
Older page: version 20 Last edited on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:30:11 pm by IanMcDonald Revert
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 > > That is not correct. SoftwarePatent~s actually do allow you to protect pure ideas. Just read the text of virtually any SoftwarePatent granted in the US. See the for a UK court's thundering rejection of the concept. --AristotlePagaltzis 
 > > > To some degree here people are both correct and incorrect! That is because the patent laws vary country by country. Europe has just turned down a law to enable explicit SoftwarePatent~s, the USA has a system which allows more patents than NewZealand which does not allow patents for pure ideas. --IanMcDonald 
-> is away presently, so I can't comment on that link. However, the few patent texts I have browsed discuss an expression of an idea - eg, a method for providing a marketplace for online sales, not the idea that you can sell stuff online: [amazon|]. Or a method of generating targeted advertising in an RSS feed, not the idea that you can customise advertising based on locality: [google|]. The point being the patents don't describe the only way to provide an online marketplace or to generate targetted adveritising in an rss feed. All you have to do to avoid the patent is make it one step different. And, I suppose, be prepared to take that to the courts. Yes, the whole arena sucks. -- DanielLawson 
+> is away presently, so I can't comment on that link. However, the few software patent texts I have browsed discuss an expression of an idea - eg, a method for providing a marketplace for online sales, not the idea that you can sell stuff online: [amazon|]. Or a method of generating targeted advertising in an RSS feed, not the idea that you can customise advertising based on locality: [google|]. The point being the patents don't describe the only way to provide an online marketplace or to generate targetted adveritising in an rss feed. All you have to do to avoid the patent is make it one step different. And, I suppose, be prepared to take that to the courts. Yes, the whole arena sucks. -- DanielLawson 
 See also: 
 * [Patent]