Annotated edit history of IntarWeb version 9, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 MikeBeattie 1 A derogatory term for the InterNet, reflecting on the view that the InterNet and the WorldWideWeb are synonymous. The misspelling with an "a" came to be accepted as a self-ironic but also post-ironic reference reflecting on the amount of crap that fills the Web.
6 JohnMcPherson 3 The original source of the term is not known, but it does appear in an old PSIS Internet banking advertisment. The old man, who's portrayed as non-Internet savvy, mentions that he can do his banking on this "~IntarWeb Thing", and that his son in law (I think) should do the same (but he already does, as he's Internet savvy!).
4 MikeBeattie 4
5 ----
7 IntarWeb BAD! -- James Hetfield
9 CraigBox 9 []
4 MikeBeattie 10

PHP Warning

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