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Any driver on a circuit that has a non-zero output Impedance requires ImpedanceMatching to deliver the maximum amount of power to the load.

If the load InputImpedance (resistance) is equal to the drivers OutputImpedance?, the power at the load is at a maximum. If there is a TransmissionLine connecting the driver to the load, it must also have a CharacteristicImpedance close to the OutputImpedance?, so as to instantaneously load the driver to the right load, to prevent ringing in the circuit. Imagine you take a TransmissionLine and make an incision, both sides of the TransmissionLine will be the same CharacteristicImpedance as the original line. This can be modeled as a amplifier with unity gain (0dB) and an InputImpedance and OutputImpedance? equal to the CharacteristicImpedance of each respective side, ensuring maximum power is transferred.