Annotated edit history of IanMcDonald version 40, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
39 IanMcDonald 1 I completed a [PhD] part time in the WandGroup at WaikatoUniversity and now live in London.
29 IanMcDonald 2
3 I have undertaken KernelDevelopment for [DCCP] which was accepted into Linux 2.6.14 by LinusTorvalds and I continue to make random patches for it as my research and/or interest demands. I would always like to do more and also hack around in iperf, tcpdump etc.
30 IanMcDonald 5 To see kernel patches I have been involved with have a look at: [here |] and [here |] and [here |]
29 IanMcDonald 6
7 (NB Second column is if I have been the author of the patch. I have been involved with all of these patches though)
35 CraigBox 9 I am a former ElPresidente of the WlugBananaRepublic.
29 IanMcDonald 10
33 IanMcDonald 11 I can be contacted at ian.mcdonald at
29 IanMcDonald 12 ----
13 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
14 ----
35 CraigBox 15 CategoryHomePage%%%CategoryExPatWlugMembers

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 3 times)