
Differences between version 30 and predecessor to the previous major change of ISP.

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Newer page: version 30 Last edited on Sunday, July 10, 2005 7:51:14 am by IanMcDonald Revert
Older page: version 26 Last edited on Friday, July 8, 2005 4:07:39 pm by LamarHargreaves Revert
@@ -17,17 +17,18 @@
 * Clear Net (now part of [TelstraClear]) 
 * (now part of [TelstraClear]) 
 * Saturn (cable service) (now part of [TelstraClear]) 
 * Walker Wireless (now WooshWireless) 
-* [Wave Internet|] (probably Hamilton's second ISP, still around
+* [Wave Internet|] (probably Hamilton's second ISP, now part of [IHUG]
 * [WISE Net|] - Also provide wireless services in the Wairarapa 
 * WorldNet 
 * [Xtra] 
 * NetStreamInternet 
 * [SupraNetworks] 
+* [Data Solutions|]  
 [WirelessNetwork]ing providers in Hamilton: 
-* WiredCountry (in Hamilton, provided by [ICONZ]) - uses the !GoLive wireless network? Flat- rate 256kbps for $65 /month - see .html (current as of 11 Feb 2004 ) or .html for business connections. 
+* WiredCountry (in Hamilton, provided by [ICONZ]) - uses the old !GoLive wireless network. Used to be flat rate until KyleCarter leeched it all. Now starts at $69.95 /month for 512kbit, 5GB cap - see .php (current as of 9 Jul 2005 ) or .php for business connections. 
 * [Xtra] provide a Wireless JetStream service -,,203313-202321,00.html 
 The following are new defunct: 
 * MidlandInternetLimited (probably Hamilton's first ISP)