Differences between version 11 and predecessor to the previous major change of IPv6.
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Newer page: | version 11 | Last edited on Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:39:10 pm | by PerryLorier | Revert |
Older page: | version 1 | Last edited on Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:42:56 am | by PerryLorier | Revert |
@@ -1,5 +1,26 @@
[Acronym] for InternetProtocol version 6.
-IPv6 has more addresses and funky new features, unfortunately noone
supports it yet. One day....
+Sometimes called IPng.
IPv6 has more addresses and funky new features such as different address scopes (LinkLocal,SiteLocal,GlobalScope), AnyCast, and MultiCast (and no more BroadCast)
, unfortunately no one
supports it yet. One day....
+If you use IPv6 to connect to this wiki, you will get a DancingPenguin instead of the normal [WLUG] logo in the top right corner
IPv6 is the next version from [IPv4].
+See [IPv6Addressing]
+Does anyone know if any NewZealand [ISP]s have support for ipv6 (from customer's point of view)?
+See our [IPv6LessonsLearnt] for some general hints about random things we've learnt while playing with [IPv6]
+See also [IPv6Setup] and [6to4].
+Some of the mysterious [IPv6Flags]
+For information about stting up IPv6 on the MetaNet [MetaNetIPv6]
+For information about [AAAA] and [A6] [DNS] records, see [AAAAvsA6]