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Newer page: | version 18 | Last edited on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:59:11 am | by JohnMcPherson | Revert |
Older page: | version 16 | Last edited on Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:56:37 pm | by PerryLorier | Revert |
@@ -20,8 +20,11 @@
!!IPv6 on WLUG
* If you use IPv6 to connect to this wiki, you will get a DancingPenguin instead of the normal [WLUG] logo in the top right corner.
+* We have a couple of aliases that are useful for testing:
+** www4.wlug.org.nz only has an IPv4 A record.
+** www6.wlug.org.nz only has an IPv6 AAAA record.
* For information about stting up IPv6 on the MetaNet, see [MetaNetIPv6].
* See our [IPv6LessonsLearnt] for some general hints about random things we've learnt while playing with IPv6.
!!Getting IPv6
@@ -34,7 +37,8 @@
!! [IPv6] in the [DNS]
The average IPv6 address is represented as something like "fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210". If you know a couple of IPv4 addresses off the top of your head, you will really want to think about making [DNS] work for you come IPv6 deployment! Thankfully [DNS] supports IPv6 addresses; there are two types of ResourceRecord, <tt>AAAA</tt> and <tt>A6</tt>. See [AAAAvsA6] for details about the differences.
+If you want to do reverse lookups (that is, find the name if you already have an address), make sure your '<tt>host</tt>' command supports IPv6. On Debian, install the 'bind9-host' package instead of the old 'host' package. For Gentoo, install 'bind-tools' (in the net-dns section) instead of the 'host' port (in net-misc).