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An [Acronym] for __I__nternetworking __O__perating __S__ystem An OperatingSystem written by [Cisco] for use in their networking devices such as routers. Purportedly the most ported OperatingSystem ever, since it gets ported to almost all devices [Cisco] develop interally (but generally not to devices sold with a Cisco label but developed at subcontractors or acquired companies). ! A selection of Cisco devices not running IOS: ; Any device labeled [Linksys | http://www.linksys.com] by CiscoSystems : Some of these devices (most famously the [WRT54G]) run a version of Linux, for which Linksys has made the source code available on their website. There was a lot of controversy about this a while back, because initially they did not release the source. Other devices run custom firmwares as far as I know. ; Cisco 7xx : a Combinet product that was relabelled when Cisco acquired the company. Runs Combinet OS (yuck). It is no longer available and has been replaced by the Cisco 8xx. ; Cisco Catalyst 19xx : Menu Driven. The enhanced edition runs a watered down version of IOS. ; Cisco Catalyst 30xx : Menu Driven. ; Cisco Catalyst 2926 : Runs on CatOS. The other 29xx XL switches are different and run on IOS. ; Cisco Catalyst 50xx and 55xx : Runs on CatOS. The Route Switch Modules run on IOS. ; Older Cisco Catalyst 4000 and 6500 models : You used to have a choice of IOS or CatOS at install time. Earlier models had Route Switch Feature Cards that ran on IOS as a separate entity. ; Earlier versions of Cisco Aironet software on the 340 and 350 series : Some weird Menu Driven thing via terminal (yuck), but does have a good HTML configuration interface. Cisco have now released IOS for the 350 series units. The newer Cisco Aironet devices run on IOS (1200s, etc). ; CiscoPix : Runs an OS that started as an embedded version of BSD: "Cisco PIX Operating System (OS); a proprietary, hardened system that eliminates security holes and performance-degrading overhead typically found in general-purpose operating environments." - The environment is an IOS like environment, however, the IOS Firewall commands and the PIX firewall commands are completely different.
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