
Differences between version 9 and predecessor to the previous major change of IDE.

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Newer page: version 9 Last edited on Friday, July 29, 2005 11:42:39 am by CraigBox Revert
Older page: version 3 Last edited on Monday, February 24, 2003 6:40:53 pm by GianPerrone Revert
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-IDE is an [Acronym] for Integrated Drive Electronics. It is a protocol for attaching devices to computer motherboards (another one is [SCSI]). It is the most commonly used in [x86] desktop machines running [Linux] or [Windows], and in cheap servers (ie not BigIron). The most typical devices include [HardDisk]s and CD-ROMS
+An [Acronym] with several meanings
-[IDE] HardDisk 's often support [SMART ], which lets you query the hard disk for various bits of information , and get it to preform tests etc . If you're interested in playing with this , I recommend looking at smartmontools. (http://smartmontools .sf .net:/ [IIRC ])
+;; %%% __I__ntegrated __D__evelopment __E__nvironment : An [IDE] gathers all of a programmer 's tools together for convenience. An IDE can can edit, compile, debug and run programs. Popular IDEs are [Emacs ], [KDevelop] , [Eclipse] and VisualStudio. (CategorySoftwareEngineeringTools)  
+;; %%% __I__ntegrated __D__rive __E__lectronics : Nowadays, the term for a protocol for attaching devices to computer motherboards (another one is [SCSI]) . It is the most commonly used in [x86] desktop machines running [Linux] or [Windows] , and in cheap servers (ie not BigIron) . The most typical devices include [HardDisk]s and [CDROM]S . Modern [IDE] [HardDisk]s usually support [SMART ]. 
-[IDE] may also stand for Integrated Development Environment. Popular IDEs are [KDevelop] and VisualStudio.  
+- ----  
+CategoryProgramming %%%  