Annotated edit history of ICMP version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 MattBrown 1 [Acronym] for __I__nternet __C__ontrol __M__essage __P__rotocol defined in RFC:792
1 PerryLorier 2
2 RanzMonster 3 These are messages generated by an [IP] stack. They have an [IP] protocol type of 0x01.
1 PerryLorier 4
5 The different types of [ICMP] are:
6 PerryLorier 7 <?plugin OldStyleTable
1 PerryLorier 8 |__ICMP Type__|__Description__
9 |0|ICMP Echo reply
10 |1|
11 |2|
12 |3|DestinationUnreachable
13 |4|SourceQuench
14 |5|[ICMPRedirect]
15 |6|AlternativeHostAddress
16 |7|
17 |8|ICMP Echo Request
18 |9|RouterAdvertisement
19 |10|RouterSelection
20 |11|TimeToLiveExceeded
21 |12|ParameterProblem
22 |13|[ICMPTimestamp]
23 |14|[ICMPTimestampReply]
24 |15|[InformationRequest]
25 |16|[InformationReply]
2 RanzMonster 26 |17|[AddressMaskRequest]
1 PerryLorier 27 |18|AddressMaskReply
28 |19-29|
29 |30|Traceroute
30 |31|DatagramConversionError
31 |32|MobileHostRedirect
32 |33|[IPv6] [WhereAreYou]
33 |34|[IPv6] [IAmHere]
34 |35|MobileRegistrationRequest
35 |36|MobileRegistrationReply
36 |37|DomainNameRequest
37 |38|DomainNameReply
38 |39|SKIP
6 PerryLorier 39 ?>

PHP Warning

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