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The Hillcrest Bakery, on Cambridge Rd, between Hillcrest Rd and Masters Ave, is one of a number of identical bakeries around [Hamilton]. Lots of nice pies, slices, cakes and sandwiches. You can't go past a ham bun ($1.20). Their bacon and egg rolls are made with bacon glazed with sugar. It still tastes fine like that, but bacon is supposed to be crusted in __salt__, or it kills you in the wrong way. * CraigBox likes the sausage rolls ($1), but they're not as nice as the Tommo's sausage rolls at the BongoCafe. * [borland|OrionEdwards] likes the chicken rolls ($2.20). * PhilMurray used to regularly buy a custard square ($1) and a 300ml Schweppes ginger beer, and only drink half of it. * MattCairns was, of course, a pie afficionado ($1.80), but also liked to buy the pizza bread ($2). * MattBrown thinks that the hot chips are the best (chicken seasoned). * GerwinVanDeSteeg likes the bacon and egg, beef, and ham filled rolls. And he used to work over the road, so he should know. * ~SamDouglas says "I quite like the cream donuts (excuse the neologism) - ~[however] they always run out. Their hot chips ~[..] are way too salty for my liking and therefore ~[you] need to purchase softdrink." * IanMcDonald quite likes the bacon and egg pies, and agrees that the hot chips are too salty. * [Staz|BenStaz] regularly buys their bacon, chicken and lettuce sandwiches.
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