Annotated edit history of HDSL version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 DanielLawson 1 [Acronym] for __H__igh Data Rate __D__igital __S__ubscriber __L__ine
3 [HDSL] was developed in the late 1980s by BellCore to provide a more cost-effective means of delivering a T1 data rate (1.544 Mbps). The standard T1 line uses alternate mark inversion ([AMI]) coding, which occupies a bandwidth of about 1.5 MHz. Because such high frequencies are involved, the attenuation characteristics limit the use of T1 to a distance of about 1km between repeaters. This, for many subscriber lines one or more repeaters are required, which adds to the installation and maintenance expense.
5 [HDSL] uses the 2B1Q coding scheme to provide a data rate of up to 2Mbps over two twisted pair lines with a bandwidth that extends only up to about 196 kHz. This enables a range of about 3.7km to be acheived.
4 DanielLawson 6
5 DanielLawson 7 -- Taken from "Data and Computer Communications" - William Stallings - 6th Ed, ISBN:0130863882
1 DanielLawson 8
9 See [SDSL], [DSL]
2 DanielLawson 10
4 DanielLawson 11 ----
13 CategoryNetworking