Annotated edit history of HBLUG version 9, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
6 ReneBartosh 1 The Hawkes Bay [LUG] (Linux User Group).
1 ReneBartosh 2
7 DanielFaulknor 3 Their webpage is at
1 ReneBartosh 4
9 DanielFaulknor 5 [ReneBartosh] is a member and administrator of the group. <br>
7 DanielFaulknor 6 [DanielFaulknor] is a member and is the webmaster of their site.
6 ReneBartosh 7
8 I kind of think of the [WLUG] as our big sister/brother... - ReneBartosh

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()