Diff: GregEganOnNeurotypicalSyndrome

Differences between version 4 and predecessor to the previous major change of GregEganOnNeurotypicalSyndrome.

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Newer page: version 4 Last edited on Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:04:24 pm by GlynWebster Revert
Older page: version 2 Last edited on Saturday, March 22, 2003 8:41:03 pm by GlynWebster Revert
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
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-[['' 'Voluntary Autism' is just one of the ethically bewildering uses of biotechnology that Greg Egan explores in ''Distress'' ( the very first scene shocked me silly!), though the book is largely about other things. One chapter is devoted to this interview.'' 
+[['' 'Voluntary Autism' is just one of the ethically bewildering uses of biotechnology that Greg Egan explores in ''Distress'' [ the very first scene |] shocked me silly!), though the book is largely about other things. One chapter is devoted to this interview.'' 
 ''Greg Egan is really good value: you can find some of his short stories and animated mathematical art here:''. Go there just for the art: it's incredible. 
 ''As far as I can tell from reading Greg Egan's books, he believes himself that intimacy and mutual understanding ''are'' possible, but that it would literally take a miracle to make a sufficient number of people capable of them -- which is a little depressing. --GlynWebster'']