
A File Glob is a way to match files.

  • "*" matches any character.
  • "?" matches any character exactly once.
  • "[a-z]" matches any character in the range a-z.

Some examples:

*.* matches all files/dirs that contain a "." in them.

a* matches all files/dirs that begin with a

[a-z]* matches all files/dirs that begin with a lowercase letter

*.gz matches all files/dirs that end with .gz

[^A-C]* matches all files/dirs that do not begin with A or B or C.

Note, * and ? __don't__ match / or a . at the beginning of a filename eg: * doesn't match:

1) .foo
2) baz/nargle

but does match:

1) foo.txt
2) baz/


This is a shell option that can be enabled by doing

  • shopt -s extglob

Here are the extra pattern matching operators we can now use thanks to extglob:

                     Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
                     Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
                     Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
                     Matches one of the given patterns
                     Matches anything except one of the given patterns

pattern-list is just a bunch of globs separated by the | character.

extglob Examples

1) cp !(*.[Jj][Pp][Gg]|*.[Bb][Mm][Pp]) /dest/dir will copy every file to ''/dest/dir'' that is not a jpg or bmp file.

2) ls @(*foo*|*bar*|*car*) will list every file/directory that has either foo, bar or car in its name.

3) mv file+([0-9]) /dest/dir/ will move every file/directory that has a prefix of ''file'' followed by at least one number.

See glob(7) for more advanced uses.

Contrast RegularExpression.

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