Annotated edit history of GNU/Linux version 7, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
6 AristotlePagaltzis 1 A name for a system with a [Linux] as the [Kernel] and [GNU] as the UserSpace utilities and applications.
5 StuartYeates 2
6 AristotlePagaltzis 3 The hybrid nature is a product of the fact that [GNU]'s TheHurd isn't yet production grade and [Linux] doesn't come with (m)any UserSpace utilities and applications.
7 AristotlePagaltzis 4
5 However, neither the [XServer] and corresponding applications nowadays expected on a workstation nor [Apache], SendMail/[Qmail]/[Postfix]/[Exim], [Samba], and other daemons required to run a server are written by the [GNU] project. Since the [GNU] utilities only make up a fraction of the UserSpace code required for any modern system the legitimacy of the "[GNU/Linux]" term has been questioned as arbitrary: one might ask why a system running the [Apache] WebServer isn't called [ASF]/[GNU]/[Linux].