Differences between version 6 and previous revision of FreeSwan.
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Newer page: | version 6 | Last edited on Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:52:56 am | by AndreasSteffen | Revert |
Older page: | version 5 | Last edited on Monday, October 17, 2005 10:11:59 am | by CraigBox | Revert |
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
The program was initially written to reach the goal of OpportunisticEncryption by first "securing 5% of the Internet traffic against passive wiretapping in 1996 ~[..] we can secure 20% the next year, against both active and passive attacks; and 80% the following year. Soon the whole Internet will be private and secure."
As the method they used was a general purpose [IPSec] daemon, it became far more popular for [VPN] tunnels across public networks such as the Internet.
-Unfortunately, come 2004, the 5% goal wasn't even reached, and so the project stopped. A fork
called OpenSwan took up the code from where it left off.
+Unfortunately, come 2004, the 5% goal wasn't even reached, and so the project stopped. Two forks
called OpenSwan and StrongSwan
took up the code from where it left off.
FreeS/WAN's own kernel IPsec implementation is called [KLIPS], which was ported to the 2.6 kernel as part of the final 2.06 release. FreeS/WAN and derivatives can also use the new [26sec] implementation.
!! ~FreeS/WAN Notes